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Complete the available tools
Suivi télémétrique de l'herbier de cymodocées de Banyuls sur le site N2000  Posidonies de la côte des Albères | Crédit : Mathieu Foulquié
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Suivi télémétrique de l'herbier de cymodocées de Banyuls sur le site N2000 Posidonies de la côte des Albères | Crédit : Mathieu Foulquié
Logo Life -Natura 200 - Ministere

The management of Natura 2000 sites requires the acquisition of knowledge, monitoring, control, but also work in complex environments, requiring specific tools for exploration and intervention.

The Life Marha proposes to complete and improve the tools available to managers to :
- develop skills: training ;
- acquire data: protocol and data acquisition equipment (ROV, camera, sonar...);
- ensure monitoring: harmonized monitoring protocol and small equipment;
- bank, exploit and valorize data: databases, geographic information systems
and interoperability;
- manage: guide for the drafting of a document of objectives (Docob) and monitoring indicators;
- communicate and raise awareness: digital support (mobile application, online platform) and print.
(panel, documentation...) ;
- control: swearing in and means of intervention and monitoring.